Resources We Love

Podcasts are a great way to boost your knowledge. Try listening on your commute, doing dishes, on a bike ride. Lots of great content out there. Here is a list of some of our personal favorites. Most are linked to the page, otherwise, you can search on your podcast platform.

IM Specialties


The Dantastic Mr. Tox & Howard Show

GI Pearls

The Internet Book of Critical Care

EMCRIT Podcast

Infectious DIsease Puscast

Critical Care Scenarios

Websites to build knowledge

Apps for iPhones and iPads that we Recommend

UpToDate – You are granted full access through your university account. You need to log onto the app once a month while on University wifi to maintain access which can be used at home.

Butterfly iQ – We have two butterflies that are stored in Dr. Smock’s office. You can check these out and use our departmental login to save images. If you download the app on your phone, you can use this portable ultrasound with your patients, carry it on rounds, text images to your fellow residents or staff.

MicroGuide – This is an antimicrobrial guide which shows the resistance patterns here at Iowa with local isolates. Great when you have identified the individual pathogen. It also gives guidance for first line for various systems and diseases such as cholangitis, pneumonia. This is updated by our local ID pharmacists regularly and is the most uptodate information for your patients.

MEDCALC – There are way too many calculations to memorize. Adjust retic count, acid base and winter’s formula, CHADSVASC, total iron deficiency. Search through their equations to find what you are looking for.

Journal Club – Paid app with great summaries on landmark papers

ICU Trials – Paid app with landmark ICU trials

ANKI – Lots of great flashcard decks out there over various topics

MKSAP – You will get access from your ACP account. There are great questions and text from chapters to review

UWORLD – Great resource for step 3 and ABIM. Expensive so many residents wait until dedicated times or lighter rotations that they can test prep

Board Vitals – Free question set. Access through Hardin library. Not as strong as UWORLD or MKSAP, but never hurts to do extra questions in your weaker areas.

Choosing Wisely – Free educational source on cost conscious care

EPIC and HAIKU Apps – Great to have with you on rounds to look at up to date labs, vitals, check for consultant notes. Not great for note writing or placing orders (can place orders with IPAD app). Contact IT to get permission with your university account.

DxSaurus – Great DDx app

USPSTF – Great for ambulatory medicine, knowing all the most up to date screening guidelines

Doximity – There is a dialer function in the app that lets you call patients from your cell phone while hiding your personal number

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