
Competency in Professionalism

o   Competency in Professionalism will be assessed on every rotation and reviewed biannually by the program. The final score is based on a 1-9 scale and will be provided to the ABIM. It will be comprised of 3 equal components:

1.                Professionalism assessments by faculty members on rotations (via evaluations on MedHub).

2.                Conference Attendance.

3.                Citizenship assessment by the program.

o   Extraordinary breaches of professionalism will also affect the final score as determined by the Housestaff Evaluation Committee.

Conference Attendance

o   Except for medical emergencies, each resident is expected to attend all core conferences and weekly departmental Grand Rounds. The Residency Review Committee (RRC) mandates that the program record conference attendance and this is done by having each resident sign in for every conference and Grand Rounds attended.

o   Conference attendance expectations for PGY 1 level:

§  Unsatisfactory (3): average <7/month

§  Low Satisfactory (5): average 7-8/month

§  Satisfactory (6): average 9-10/month

§  Superior (8): average > 10/month

o   Extraordinary breaches of professionalism will also affect the final score as determined by the Housestaff Evaluation Committee.

Citizenship Assessment

o   All residents are expected to have a satisfactory citizenship score (6 or higher).

o   Twice a year the program will review each resident’s performance and additions or subtractions may be made from the score if the program is aware of the following:

§  Consistently complies with Jeopardy and Back-up Policy and Procedure

§  No complaints about returning pages

§  No complaints about tardiness to clinic or floor

§  Less than 5 delinquent documents

§  Fills out staff and student evaluations

§  Treats staff, colleagues, and students in a respectful and professional manner

§  Records procedures in MedHub

§  Records work hours in MedHub

§  Complies with parking policies

§  Receives an Above and Beyond or VA Pat on the Back Award

§  Responds promptly to semiannual meeting requests


o   It is expected that each resident will arrive to the hospital on time (usually 7am for inpatient rotations, 8am for outpatient rotations) and take hand-off from the on-call team, if applicable.

o   Residents will arrive for COC clinics, core conferences, departmental Grand Rounds, ambulatory curriculum, and other functions on time.

o   Documentation including H&Ps, progress notes, discharge summaries, consult notes, and clinic notes will be completed within 24 hours of the patient encounter.


o   In the event of the future absences (USMLE, Fellowship interviews, conferences, poster presentations, etc.), you must notify the scheduling chief resident or Cindy ahead of time.

o   For emergent absence requests (personal illness, family illness, accidents, etc), contact the Chief Resident on call (chief pager number 3033) and speak with them as soon as possible. Email and text pages are NOT appropriate in this circumstance.

o   Residents are expected to arrive for their shift unless they have received verbal or written permission for their absence from a Chief Resident or Dr. Suneja.

o   Remember that the ABIM has rules regarding absence and vacation allotments per year that we must follow in order for residents to become board-eligible. See web link:

Work Hours

o   It is expected that residents will comply with the following work hour restrictions:

§  No more than 80 hours per week

§  At least four days off per month

§  At least 10 hours off between shifts

§  Must not work longer than 24 hour call shifts with an additional 4 hours for continuity

o   All residents will record ALL work hours in MedHub.


o   Each resident will ensure that upon their arrival to the hospital, their pager is carried on their person, is turned on, and is not forwarded to another pager. Substitute pagers are available at the hospital communications office.

o   It is expected that each resident will respond to pages, email, and other communications from staff in a timely manner.

o   Each resident will forward their pager to the pager of the on-call resident who is taking over care of their patients at night.

o   The Jeopardy Resident will ensure that they are available by pager, ready to report to work, and fit for duty at all times.


o   It is expected that each resident will access their email account on a regular basis.

o   Email is the normal means of communication between the Department of Internal Medicine and the residents. Residents are accountable for information in email messages that have been sent to them by the Department of Internal Medicine Office of Graduate Medical Education.

Mini-CEX ⇒ QuikCoach

o   We are replacing mini-CEX with an App/Web-based interface to make generating and receiving expedient feedback easier. Dr. Suneja and IT have worked to generate the QuikCoach App (currently for Apple only, Android coming shortly, along with a Web-based site). If you have an iPhone you can download it here:

o   You are expected to complete 5 evaluations throughout the year in any subject of your choosing.


o   The residency program expects proficiency in performing the following procedures; understanding their indications, contraindications, and complications; and interpreting their results:

§  Advanced cardiac life support

§  Abdominal paracentesis

§  Arterial puncture

§  Arthrocentesis

§  Central venous line placement

§  Lumbar puncture

§  Nasogastric intubation

§  Pap smear and endocervical culture

§  Peripheral intravenous line insertion

§  Thoracentesis

§  Venipuncture

o   It expected that each resident will log their procedures in MedHub. See above for the web link.

Six-Month and Annual Evaluations

o   It is expected that each resident will meet with his or her team leader/Associate Program Director every 6 months to review evaluations, procedures and conference attendance as well as progress on scholarly activity, career goals, and other things.


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